All About Professional Excavating & Grading Services
Before any kind of parking lot or roadway paving can take place, the soil underneath needs to be properly graded to allow for drainage. Professional paving contractors have specialized rollers and excavating equipment to accomplish this.
What is Excavating?
Before new asphalt can be poured or even a gravel underlayer put down, the land under the pavement needs to be shaped so that the asphalt pavement can remain stable. Excavating a site can also involve removing old, broken pavement that can then be recycled for other projects.
What is Grading?
The term grading refers to creating a slope or pitch in the gravel underlayer that allows water to run away and not pool on the pavement and cause damage over time. Grading often involves compacting gravel or soil with rollers for a truly stable layer that will stand the test of time.
Your Atlanta, GA Area Grading & Excavating Experts
If you have any kind of asphalt pavement in the greater Atlanta, GA area, the professionals at Miller Brothers Paving, Inc are here to help. With over half a century in the industry, we can tackle any type of paving job. Our experience also means we have the latest in paving equipment, so we can properly grade your site and then pour an asphalt parking lot or driveway that will last for decades. Contact us today and learn how we can improve your Georgia property.