A well-marked parking lot directs people safely around the parking area. Crosswalks, stop bars, loading-zone markings, and properly marked pickup areas, such as for customers or boarding vehicles, inform pedestrians where they should walk, when to give right-of-way to traffic, and what areas to avoid.
To help preserve or improve the flow of traffic on a parking lot, Miller Brothers parking lot stripers will either re-stripe or lay out new markings per customer’s blueprints or our design.
Maximize Space
A property owner aims to get the most cars possible into a parking lot to maintain cost-effectiveness. The right layout and parking lot striping can help meet this goal.
Designated Parking
Customers want parking lots that allow them to enter, park, and exit quickly and safely. Attractive and properly placed parking stalls, arrows, and handicapped-reserve signs help to efficiently direct travelers.
ADA Guidelines
Signed into law in July 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) affects every property owner. Regardless of company size, all businesses must now have the proper amount of handicapped-accessible parking stalls, and required van parking spaces.
Layout Options
Providing the most stalls possible in a functional parking lot is the main goal of a layout.
The straight-in design (90°) always allows for the most stalls; but, for a variety of reasons, angled stalls (45°, 60° or 75°) are preferred. Straight-in stalls are easiest to lay out and stripe, plus they permit two-way traffic.
- Angled stalls, on the other hand, are easier for drivers to turn into and back out of and require a narrower lane. In addition, angled stalls provide a controlled one-way traffic flow and create a herringbone design that many owners find appealing. Unfortunately, the greater the angle, the more space is taken up.